We have been talking about the days of the week and the difference between weekdays and weekend days. We made a pictograph of our favorite days of the week. We also talked about which day was our favorite day and why it was.
We have been so busy that we haven't had time at the end of our day to catch up on our blog. We will need to get back to making the time!
This past week, we used Play-Doh to make our spelling words. We had lots of fun doing it. We found out there are many ways to make the words. Some of us had the words standing up. We could make them fat, skinny, flat, and many other ways. It was lots of fun practicing our words with Play-Doh.
In math we learned about even and odd numbers. An even number is a number that can be divided into two equal groups. An odd number always has one left over. Some even numbers are 2, 4, 6, 8, and 100. Some odd numbers are 1, 3, 5, 7, and 99.
We are reading the book Charlotte's Web. It is the story about a pig named Wilbur and a girl named Fern. Fern's dad was going to kill Wilbur because he was a runt. Fern saved him.
Today Mrs. Brown from the Iowa State Extension Office came to our class. She will be coming once every month. She teaches us about healthy foods and exercise. Today we did a few stretching exercises. Then we tried some Zucchini Coins. It was sliced zucchini with parmesan cheese and marinara sauce. Everyone in our class liked the snack!
We used pattern blocks in math today. We covered the yellow pattern block with the red, blue and green pattern blocks. We figured out which pattern block was the biggest and which one was the smallest.
When we placed them in order by size with the biggest one first, they looked like this:
Friday, September 3, 2010
We made lots of words today that had the "short a" sound.
We acted out "some, some more" stories. We pretended that kids went to the nurse, to the library, to the movie theater and got a drink. We compared numbers to see which one was bigger, or greater.