Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Today we worked with pattern blocks. We got into groups and made designs. The yellow pattern block is called a hexagon. The red pattern block is trapezoid. The blue pattern block is a parallelogram. The green pattern block is a triangle. Here are some of the designs we made.

Today we learned about the Milk Group. Foods in the milk group have calcium which helps build strong bones and teeth. Some foods in the milk group are yogurt, cheese, white milk, ice cream, frozen yogurt, and chocolate milk. Tomorrow we are going to make a graph of our favorite milk group foods.

Milk Builds Strong Bones and Teeth

Today we learned about the Milk Group. Foods in the milk group have calcium which helps build strong bones and teeth. Some Milk Group foods are yogurt, cheese, white milk, ice cream, frozen yogurt, and chocolate milk. Tomorrow we are going to make a graph of our favorite milk group foods.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Healthy Food is Important for You

Today we heard a story about Little D. He is a dragon who was very sick because he wasn't eating the right foods. He was not healthy. The Royal Food Family found him and took him home to the Pyramid Palace. The members of the royal food family are Princess Peapod, Sir Milkford, Queen Anna Banana, Prince Waffle, and King Henry the Egg.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Comet Conduct Stars

We learned about Comet Conduct this morning. Comet Conduct tells us how we should behave at school.

C stands for Courteous.
O stands for Organized.
M stands for Mind Your Manners.
E stands for Expect the Best.
T stands for Teamwork.

We get Comet Cash to spend at the Comet Cache Store when we are following the rules.

In math we made a graph that tells us when everyone in our class is having a birthday. It is a pictograph because it has pictures on it.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

We are Hollywood Stars!

Today we dressed up like Hollywood stars and had our pictures taken. We are going to put the pictures on our bulletin board and on our website when they are done.

Our teacher gave us letter cards that we used to make words. We made the words and, stand, sand, an, ant, at, sat, sad, tan, and Dan.

In math we had to find numbers on a hundred chart, and we colored them to make a pattern or a word. We learned how to write the date. We played Simon Says and learned about right and left.

Recess was our favorite part of the day!!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Our First Day!

Today was our first day of school. We are excited to be second graders now!

We read the book "Have You Filled A Bucket Today? (A Guide to Daily Happiness For Kids)" by Carol McCloud. We learned that all of us have an invisible bucket that we carry around. When people say or do nice things, our bucket gets filled and we feel good. When people say or do mean things, they are being bucket dippers. We don't feel as good about ourselves when people do that. We are working on being bucket fillers this year. We are watching others in our class to notice when they are being bucket fillers. We each have our own buckets in our classroom.

We also read the book "Charlie's Checklist". It is the story about a puppy looking for an owner. Charlie comes up with a checklist of the "must haves" and "must bes" for his new owner. Some of the things Charlie wanted his new owner to have were enough room for him and six freckles on each cheek. He wanted his owner to be kind to animals and be under twelve years old. Charlie discovered that his friend, Chester, was the perfect owner for him.

After reading the story, we made a list of the things a good second grader "must have" or "must be".

"Star Second Grader" Checklist
Must be nice to other people.
Must be a good citizen.
Must be able to follow directions.
Must be a bucket filler.
Must listen to other people when they are talking.
Must be able to stay in line.
Must sit down and not move to other places.
Must listen to the teachers.
Must write your name on your paper.
Must stay in the right place when you're working.
Must go to the back of the line.
Must be on time.
Must pay attention.
Must do your homework.